These Six Helpful Life Hacks Will Definitely Help Make Your Life A Lot Easier

Do you ever look for tips and tricks to make your life a little bit easier? Of course you do. We could all use life hacks now and then for the little things we aren’t always sure about. Luckily, YouTube user DaveHax shared some of his hacks and tips that aren’t only helpful, but ingenious. It’s amazing the kind of answers people come up with to fix the little problems we encounter every day.

1. If your car windows always fog up, here’s an easy solution.

Fill a sock with cat litter. Then wrap that sock in another sock and tie it up tight.

Place in your car. It will soon begin absorbing excess moisture in your car.

2. No one likes a warm soda. Here’s a quick and easy way to cool it down.

Create a mixture of water, lots of ice, and salt. The salt will cause the temperature of the ice water to decrease. Place your can of soda in the mix and let it sit for one minute. Briefly stir and then let it sit for another minute.

The temperature of your soda will have dropped dramatically, and much faster than it would have in the fridge.

3. Cutting lots of cherry tomatoes can be a hassle sometimes. DaveHax suggests making the process easier by placing your tomatoes between two plates, allowing for a small gap between the edges of the plates.

Run a sharp knife between the two plates, slicing the cherry tomatoes.

Then you’ll have perfectly halved cherry tomatoes in no time.

4. Here’s a simple and space-saving way to pack for the night. Place your underwear on your t-shit and then fold the sides of the t-shirt over top.

Then place your socks on your shirt, with the open ends of the socks facing out and to the side. From here, begin rolling up your t-shirt.

Once you have fully rolled up your shirt, reverse the open ends of your socks around the shirt to make a neat little bundle.

5. Did you know you can make a candle out of an orange? Start by slicing around the center of the orange, halving the skin but not the fruit. Then peel away one half of the orange peel with the little white center piece still intact.

Then pour some olive oil into the orange peel, and be sure to wet the wick as you pour.

You now have yourself a cool little orange candle.

It’s always frustrating when you have a burner on your stove that won’t light. DaveHax has a safe and easy way to get that burner lit.

Instead of using a match or a lighter, use a single strand of spaghetti.

Light the spaghetti using a working burner, then turn the gas on low on the faulty burner and transfer the flame over.


What are some of your favorite hacks that make life a little easier? I, for one, know how I’m packing to visit my friend this weekend.

If you enjoyed these hacks, be sure to check out DaveHax official Youtube channel.

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