These People Should Have Looked At Their Photos Before Posting Them Online

When you take a picture of yourself to share with the world, there are several important factors you must be aware of. You have to frame the image properly to include yourself in the picture. You have to make sure the flash is either on or off. Most importantly. you absolutely must make sure there isn’t anything embarrassing going on in the background for everyone to see. Otherwise, you might end up like these people.

1. Those kangaroos really like Paris Hilton.

2. The line for the women’s room was just too long.

3. Caught red handed.

4. Grandma, I need some more protein!

5. So is he.

6. Just be glad it’s the tree and not you.

7. Turn around and save that baby!

8. Photoshopping busted!

9. Oh Robin. There are no lines blurred about this.

10. Grandpa and his bottomless pants.

11. Jeez kid, put some pants on!

12. Maybe get some glare resistant glasses.

13. A helping hand.

14. Someone is going to get a stern talking-to.

15. Pull your pants up, kid.

16. Bad angle on the dress.

17. Poop pic!

18. Tricky baby foot.

19. Someone is having bowel issues.

(via Distractify)

Let this be a lesson to you. You should always make sure to double check your photos before you post them. There could be something in them that will come back and bite you in the butt.

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