These Mechanical Calculators May Be Obsolete, But They Are Gorgeous To Look At.

What would we do without calculators? These little machines can be absolute lifesavers, especially for those without a head for math. Computation devices have a long history with many incarnations — from the abacus all the way to the calculator on your smartphone.

Some of the most intricately designed and produced calculators were mechanical calculators. These calculators have tons of moving parts, gadgets, and gizmos that are truly amazing to see put together. Photographer Kevin Twomey saw the beautiful complexity of these machines and created Low-Tech, a series of photographs with mechanical calculators as the subject.

These photographs highlight the beauty that comes with the complexity of these mechanical calculators.

There’s something really awesome about seeing all the intricate parts of these machines fitted together.

This one is gorgeous. These machines truly are works of art.

Seeing these mechanical calculators with their covers removed really helps you appreciate the ingenuity that went into their production.

These photos also allow you appreciate how far we progressed technologically in the last few decades.

It certainly took some serious photographic skills to find the perfect angles to highlight the strange beauty of these calculators.

These really are remarkable machines. I wish I had one of my own that I could open up.


Photographs like these help me realize how amazing the technologies we create really are. They also show that, as high-tech as the gadgets we have now are, they will one day be obsolete like these mechanical calculators. The question is, will they be as beautiful to look at?

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