These Incredible Pieces Of Artwork Are Deep Beneath The Streets Of New York

The Underbelly Project puts a whole new emphasis on the phrase “underground art.” Little is known about the project. In 2009, over 100 artists were allowed to enter the New York City underground subway system’s tunnels and paint whatever they’d like. Artists from all over have used the cement, as well as anything else they can get their paint on, as their canvas and it really looks amazing.

The Underbelly Project

by Various Artists

What’s really scary is those probably aren’t even the biggest rats down there.

Welcome to Hell.

So creepy, but so cool.

Such an amazing use of so many different colors.

A near-empty subway car? That’s certainly not a familiar sight.

An awesome new take on the American flag.

Spooky lil guys.

That certainly seems to be the case.

For more information on The Underbelly Project, check out the video below.

(via Vandalog)

Art doesn’t get more underground than that. Unfortunately, most people can’t walk off the street (or under) to see this art. In an effort to keep people safe and to preserve the art, this hidden gallery isn’t open to the public. You can sign up for The Underbelly project’s newsletter by visiting their website.

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