It’s strange that many people don’t consider television shows, films, and video games to be “art” because of their violent and provocative content. But, have you ever looked at some of the most famous classical paintings?
Some of the most famous paintings of the old world are downright vulgar. Nudity and disturbing images of violence such as deities eating babies whole, women having sex with animals, and even beheadings plaster the walls of art museums everywhere.
Not only that, but these paintings are nearly priceless. People view them sipping on wine and possibly even adjusting their monocles. When you really consider the subject matter here, it seems insane.
1. This is why I don’t trust horses. I don’t care what they usually eat, I don’t play around with animals that could easily digest me.
3. Here is the god Saturn consuming a baby. No idea why they both have to be naked.
6. Maybe these men aren’t awful and are just helping these babies nap?
7. Okay, who invited the carnivorous Eagle Pharaoh to the party?
8. This HAS to be considered evidence in a murder, right?
10. Let’s hope these two are conspiring to put her hand in warm water.
12. “Ohhhh haaaayyy, guys! Why you fighting?”–Winged Demon in the background.
13. I don’t even wanna how this artist got his models.
14. Me on the toilet after a night of Taco Bell…
16. This is essentially how I feel after work.
18. This artist was aHEAD of his time.
Do you feel cultured yet? Honestly, these paintings are way edgier than any Ren and Stimpy cartoon. Good grief.