These Hairstyles Are for the Truly Stout of Heart, Not for the Wishy-Washy. Not At All.

We know Halloween is coming up and that it’s expected for people to go all out. Halloween costumes are all about making others notice (and fear) your appearance. But then there are the folks who need appreciation 365 days a year. These dedicated people are our subject today. 

When Cheryl says she has eyes in the back of her head, she means it. She means only one eye, but it’s no less terrifying.

Yeah, the hair sculpture is impressive, but you couldn’t dye your eyebrows to match?

“But I told my barber I was a soccer fan.”

There comes a point in your life where you have to let go of the past and move on into a new age. That point is now, dude.

Mickey knew his blood sugar could drop to a dangerous low at any second, so he always went prepared.

Annie was going through her apathetic teen phase, and she wanted everyone to know it.

She thought she was going to be the the most unique kid at school…

…she walked in the next say and saw her new arch rival.

His 360-degree beard says “I’m a man of adventure,” but his eyes say “Dear God, what have I done?”

No, they totally look like overpriced headphones from a distance. Totally.

Denise was inspired by the Statue of Liberty, but crowns were so last season.

No matter your style, delusion is a terrible fashion choice.

“One day I’ll escape this prison.”

People made fun of Mary for being over-the-top with her fashion, but she was really illustrating various species of coral in what was perhaps a misguided attempt to make marine biology more accessible.

You think you get into the holiday spirit? You so don’t.

Jerry got tired of the weight of his dreadlocks, and also felt he should look festive. Luckily, there was a solution.

Joe always wanted to try the classic handlebar mustache, but he also really liked the mustache he already had.

I sincerely hope this is the same woman who did the Christmas tree.

You must have to budget a lot for all that hairspray. Just saiyan.

When you want to read, but your hair keeps falling in front of your face

We like to think of this as some horrible, horrible mutation of the mullet.

People kept asking what her favorite dessert was, so she figured she would make it obvious.

On his way out, Dan felt a good strong tailwind coming from the east. Sailing would be smooth and serene.

If you scan it, it spells out a secret message.

They made fun of Billy’s haircut, but when he put sunglasses on it and walked backward, he was the only one who didn’t need a fake ID.

 So what do we think? That these are totally going to be the next hottest trends? Yeah, we thought so too. 

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