There’s an old saying that dogs and their owners start to look alike after a while. If you spend as much time as the average person does with their dog, it’s understandable that some of your mannerisms will rub off on each other. But sometimes dogs’ appearances have their own ideas, and you end up with creatures like these. We’re sure they’re wonderful pups.
They just…maybe didn’t luck out so much with the looks.
8. This dog looks like…another dog!
Totally looks just like that other dog. Certainly not like anything else.
10. Pug looks like Jabba the Hutt
One day, someone decided to selectively breed dogs to get this result. Think about that.
11. This dog looks like Putin
This made the news. Just don’t make the dog angry. It used to be in the KGB.
12. Puppy looks like teddy bear
I want both! Just be careful about which one you put in the wash.
15. This dog looks like Richard Branson.
This dog actually founded the Virgin Group. That’s the company’s deep dark secret.
Oh, aren’t they…cute? Well, at least Richard Branson has a lot of money.