Many people find their bed to be their favorite place to relax and recharge. Animals are no different. Pets are irreplaceable parts of the family, so treat them to a do-it-yourself bedroom remodel with these creative pet beds. Try not to freak out over how cute these critters are.
1. This upcycled cat bed is made out of an old computer. For the technically inclined, make your cat or pup love technology as much as you do.
Awww, look at that cute sleepy kitty.
2. Apply the same concept to a 1960’s television for a vintage vibe.
3. Pick up a set of vintage luggage at a thrift store and make this quirky pet bed. It’s the perfect place for and on-the-go critter to sleep.
4. Don’t stop at one suitcase…double up for kitty bunk beds!
Cat bunk beds, guys. SO MUCH SQUEE.
5. Low on space? This DIY pet bed doubles as a table. You can appreciate the sleek design while your pet appreciates the cuddly cushion.
7. If your pet is a diva, this elegant bed is perfect for them.
8. If you happen to have a spare wine barrel hanging around, turn it into bed for a medium to large sized dog.
9. Look out, kitty! You’re about to be eaten by a shark! JK…but I’m about to die over how adorable this DIY shark bed is.
(via Mother Nature Network and The Cottage Market)
Most of these beds can be made out of materials you already have around the house, or by recycling something you don’t use anymore. These projects are fun for you, great for your pet and awesome for the environment. Plus, think about how good it will feel when a house guest comments on your cute dog bed, and you can respond “I made it!”