Ever bite into a delicious-looking apple, only to quickly find out that it is was made out of plastic or wax? Well, eating one of these Candy Cuisine dishes would be a lot like that, except you’d probably be pleasantly surprised and eat the entire thing anyway. You might even eat it faster if you have as big of a sweet tooth as I do.
1. “Chicken Not Pie”
Ingredients: Caramels, icing, malt balls, Dots, and candy corn.
2. “Sugarshimi”
Ingredients: Airheads, Rice Krispie Treats, fruit jellies, Fruit Roll Up, sugar crystals, icing, and Hershey’s chocolate syrup.
3. “Fit for a Papaya King”
Ingredients: Twinkies, Rice Krispie Treat with gingerbread cake mix, french roasted peanuts, gummy bears, Laffy Taffy, grapefruit slices, and icing.
4. “Mis-Steak”
Ingredients: Snickers, toasted marshmallows, jumbo jelly beans, Swedish Fish, and candy corn.
5. “Mexicandy”
Ingredients: French roasted peanuts, Laffy Taffy, gummy bears, sour belts, gummy army men, icing, Boston Baked Beans, Hershey’s strawberry sauce, and Hershey’s chocolate syrup.
6. “Eat Your Vegetables”
Ingredients: Caramels, Dots, malt balls, caramel sauce, Boston Baked Beans, candy corn, and Cool Whip.
7. “Spaghetti and Sweet Balls”
Ingredients: Pina colada licorice twists, Snickers, Hershey’s chocolate syrup, Hershey’s strawberry sauce, Tootsie Pops, and vanilla Tootsie Rolls.
8. “Wine and Cavities”
Ingredients: Icing, oranges and cream fudge, Starbursts, white chocolate bar, cooking white chocolate, candied almonds, root beer barrels, and caramel sauce.
9. “Satisfried”
Ingredients: Taffy, caramel syrup, graham crackers, sugar crystals, licorice, jelly fruit slices, Cool Whip, and Fruit Roll Up.
10. “The Golden Nugget”
Ingredients: Caramels covered in graham cracker crumbs, candy corn, malt balls, Mini Starbursts, and Rice Krispie Treats.
11. “Would You Like That Super-Sweet?”
Ingredients: York Peppermint Patty, icing, Big League Chew, Fruit Roll Up, pina colada licorice twists, and sugar crystals.
12. “Phony Bologna”
Ingredients: Bubble Tape, Laffy Taffy, and Airheads.
13. “Think Outside the Takeout Box”
Ingredients: Caramels, caramel sauce, toasted coconut, malt balls, jumbo jelly beans, Dots, and Laffy Taffy.
14. “Miso Hungry for Fried Rice Krispies”
Ingredients: Sugar cookie dough, licorice laces, Rice Krispie Treats, bubble gum, malt balls, mini Starbursts, and Laffy Taffy.
15. “Slice of Heaven”
Ingredients: Fruit leather, cookie dough, white chocolate shavings, icing, gummy army men, and black licorice.
(via Candy Cuisine)
Custom prints of the unique candy are available on the Candy Cuisine website, and unfortunately that’s the only way you’ll be enjoying the deceptive, sugary treats (for now). Actually being able to eat one of these creations? It would make my life complete.