These Are The Most Haunted Places On Earth, And They’re Closer Than You Think.

Could you live near one of the most haunted places on Earth without knowing it? Chances are the answer is yes. There are a lot more haunted places around the world than you might think, and many are too close for comfort.

Here are the ten most haunted places on the planet. Just wait until you get to #5; it will seriously freak you out.

1.) Alberta, Canada – Banff Springs Hotel.

This hotel has two significant hauntings to its name, and both are equally terrifying and tragic. The first is the story of a bride who fell down a flight of stairs on her wedding day after her dress caught fire. She instantly broke her neck and died.

The other is of a family who was murdered in room 873. That room was since bricked up. However, locals and visitors reported seeing both the bride and the family walking the halls of the hotel after their tragic endings.

2.) Oslo, Norway – Akershus Fortress.

Akershus Fortress is said to be the most haunted place in Norway. During the 1300s, it was used as a castle and defensive outpost for the city of Oslo. It was used as a prison in the 18th and 19th centuries. It’s said that during those times, the conditions the prisoners had to deal with inside were pretty brutal.

As if that weren’t enough, the fortress was also used by the Nazis during WWII. According to locals, they carried out executions there. So it’s no wonder that this fortress haunted by ghosts. Legend has it that there is even a demon dog named Malcanisen guarding the fortress.

3.) Long Beach, California – The Queen Mary Hotel.

The Queen Mary is a former luxury ocean liner. In 1967, the city of Long Beach purchased the decommissioned Queen Mary and turned her into a hotel. Visitors and employees almost immediately began to report strange paranormal sights and sounds. It’s believed that the ship/hotel is haunted by the ghosts of people who came to a tragic end on the Queen Mary during her sailing days.

4.) Maine-et-Loire, France – Château de Brissac.

This château was originally built in the 11th century, but its record as a haunted place began in the 15th century. It all started when a brutal double murder took place inside the residence.

The ghost, now known as “The Green Lady,” is a common sight throughout the château. She gets her name from the green dress she is often seen wearing. Legend has it that her appearance is the most startling thing about her. Her face apparently has gaping holes where her eyes and nose should be. She is also notorious for her loud moaning through the early hours of the night.

5.) Edinburgh, Scotland – Edinburgh Castle.

Many consider the city of Edinburgh to be the most haunted city in the world, so it’s really no surprise that the city’s castle made our list. For centuries, the castle was the site of horrible torture and violent battles.

Tourists to the castle report the sensation of being pulled, and touched by invisible hands. Others report seeing strange apparitions, lights, getting sudden intense feelings of dread, unexplained mists, the feeling of being watched, and sudden drops in temperature.

6.) Changi, Singapore – Old Changi Hospital.

This former hospital in Singapore was constructed back in 1935. At the time, it was part of the military base there. During the Japanese occupation of the island, the hospital was used as a prison and torture camp. The hospital was reopened after the war and operated until 1997.

Now it sits abandoned and haunted. Visitors reported seeing the ghosts of executed prisoners, Japanese soldiers, and patients alike. It’s said that loud bangs and mysterious screams are common at the empty facility.

7.) London, England – The Tower Of London.

The Tower Of London is considered to be the most haunted place in the U.K. The tower played a pivotal role in English history for over 900 years as an execution spot for the country’s most famous prisoners.

The most famous ghost of the Tower is that of Anne Boleyn, the wife of King Henry VIII, who was beheaded. Some say her headless ghost can be seen wandering the hallways.

8.) Hesse, Germany – Babenhausen Barracks.

Though the barracks are deserted now, that didn’t stop locals from reporting strange sightings. The ghosts of uniformed soldiers can allegedly still be seen wandering the grounds, and occasionally screams are heard from basements.

In the barracks museum, there is supposedly a phone you can pick up. Several soldiers reported picking up the phone and hearing a woman talking backwards on the other end. It’s unclear it she’s speaking German or English. Talk about spooky.

9.) Kentucky, U.S.A. – Waverly Hills Sanatorium.

This hospital was used as a tuberculosis ward for much of the 20th century. Up to 63,000 patients died during this time. Though it is closed to the general public, those who have were allowed to visit report all sorts of spooky happenings, like ghosts, random screams, and mysterious footsteps.

10.) Pennsylvania, U.S.A. – Eastern State Penitentiary.

Eastern State was the first prison in the country to introduce solitary confinement, known at the time as the “Pennsylvania System.” Prisoners in solitary confinement never saw another soul during their time. When they were being transported, they were still required to wear a black hood to continue their isolation.

Though the practice was abandoned in 1913, it still drove many of the prisoners insane. Since 1971, the prison has been abandoned, but that hasn’t stopped what some consider to be a huge wave of paranormal activity.

Via: Unholy Music

These are seriously too creepy. I don’t think I ever want to visit the U.K. after learning about Edinburgh Castle and the Tower of London. It just sounds like a scary place.

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