These 24 Horrible Winter Fails Will Make You Cringe For Hours

Winter is a special time of year involving wonderful snow, snuggling up with your loved ones, and slipping and falling on your keister. Ice is a breeding ground for embarrassing moments, and you just have to hope and pray that no one caught them on video. Unfortunately for these people, they failed pretty hard in winter and made their way to our site.

1. Reason #245 not to wear stiletto heels on ice.

2. That isn’t even thin ice.

3. You’re not an ice skater. Stop.

4. Poor horses.

5. Who runs during weather like that?

6. Nice save.

7. It affects penguins, too.

8. Canadian breakdancing.

9. That’s why you dip your toes in first.

10. Piledriver on ice.

11. This is just plain hubris.

12. Well, you deserve that.

13. Casual walk away.

14. This cannot be explained.

15. A lot thicker than you thought?

16. I hope that cat immediately got a blanket.

17. Not everyone is graceful.

18. Didn’t quite make it.

19. This is why you don’t walk on ice.

20. Polar bear plunge.

21. I’m surprised the other person didn’t fall, too.

22. Saved herself only to faceplant.

23. Walking on thin ice, eh?

24. This is why you don’t chop ice.

Do yourself a favor: stay inside. Stay far, far away from any ice. And certainly don’t try to show off in the outdoors during this frigid winter season.

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