These 10 Insanely Deadly Animals In Australia Will Convince You To Never, EVER Visit

This week, the world celebrated Australia day! On January 26, 1788, the first British Fleet arrived, raising the king’s flag at Port Jackson, New South Wales. We at ViralNova invite you to celebrate Australia day by giving you several reasons why you should never ever go to Australia.

It is home to some of the world’s most dangerous animals. …Seriously, it’s a land full of real monsters that want you dead. Please don’t go.

Australia is filled with mosquitoes which, in turn, are all filled with malaria.

The cassowary has a six inch claw on each of its feet. It loves to kick when it’s angry…and is about as tall as a human being.

The box jellyfish has 60-meter-long tentacles that release a venomous sting that can kill you. Box jellyfish kill more people than snakes, sharks, and saltwater crocodiles combined.

Cone snails shoot a poisonous dart that could easily kill an unsuspecting shell collector.

The reason the eastern brown snake is considered the world’s most dangerous snake isn’t because of its venom (which is fairly potent) but because it feeds off of mice, who usually hang around humans. This causes a lot of unwanted interaction between brown snakes and humans.

The blue ringed octopus has enough poison to kill 26 grown men. Its neuropoison is 10,000 times more powerful than cyanide.

The funnel web spider has a name that kind of makes it sound fun, but it is also the second most poisonous spider on the planet.

I think just the name of the goliath birdeater tarantula speaks for itself. The dude eats birds.

Half of the untreated bites by this guy (the tiger snake) result in death. It’s not even the most venomous snake in this forsaken land.

Considered the largest land predator in the world, the saltwater crocodile is also in the Guinness book for most powerful jaw. Truly a double threat.

The inland taipan is the most venomous snake on the planet. It’s venom is so potent it could kill up to 100 men.

The bullshark is highly aggressive towards humans (more so than most other sharks). It is the perpetrator of most of the shark attacks in the world.

Let’s also keep in mind this is the only place on the planet that has kangaroos. While kangaroos may not be deadly, there’s something really unsettling about an animal that is willing to stand up and fight you like a man. Let’s all stay away from this place.

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