These 10 Creepy Urban Legends May Not Be Legends After All. Uh Oh.

The sole intention of urban legends is to terrify us. Most of them are laughably unreal, or have mundane real world explanations. However, a few urban legends defy explanation and are just a bit too real for comfort. Here are 10 urban legends that are too real to laugh off.

1.) The Incident At Dyatlov Pass.

In 1959, a group of Soviet ski hikers made their way through the Ural mountains during a particularly cold February. The group of nine mysteriously died during their journey. Investigators determined that the hikers ripped open their tent from the inside and walked out into the snow barefoot shortly before their deaths.

All nine of them died. The interesting thing is that none of the bodies showed any signs of a struggle. To this day, no one knows what caused them to walk out into the snow.

2.) The Corpse Bride.

A bridal shop in Chihuahua, Mexico has a disturbingly lifelike mannequin. Her name is “La Pascualita,” and for the last 75 years, there was speculation that she is the preserved body of the former owner’s daughter. Legend has it that the daughter died of a deadly spider bite, just hours before her own wedding.

As the shop staff are the only ones who get to see La Pascualita up close, no one knows for certain what she is. This hasn’t stopped a cult following from growing around her.

3.) Tesla’s Death Ray. 

Nikola Tesla was one of the great inventors of the last century. He became famous for his public battles with Thomas Edison during the early 1900s. One area of Tesla’s research that has almost lost to the ages is his research into directed-energy weapons. It’s rumored that Tesla built a working “death ray,” and that it was the cause of the Tunguska Event in Siberia, Russia in 1908.

4.) Lillian Gray.

This creepy urban legend centers around a tombstone in Salt Lake City, Utah. At first, nothing looks out of place about the tombstone, but upon closer inspection, there is a cryptic and creepy inscription: “Victim of the Beast 666.” This is one of the creepiest things you could possibly come across in the graveyard.

There are plenty of rumors trying to explain the inscription, but the truth is weirder. It was Gray’s husband who had the inscription put on his late wife’s tombstone. According to people who knew him, he was paranoid and anti-government. That might actually make it more creepy.

5.) The Portal To Hell.

I’m not sure anyone would think to look for a portal to hell in the backroom of a Kentucky honky-tonk bar. Apparently that’s where it is, according to this urban legend.

Bobby Mackey’s Music World is located in Wilder, Kentucky. After a few brutal murders occurred on the property over the years, people began to speculate that a portal to hell exists there. Not ones to sit idly by, the owners of the bar started using this urban legend as part of their marketing.

6.) Snallygaster.

This is a weird one. In the 1730s, immigrants to Fredrick County, Maryland began to report encountering a terrifying beast. This beast was half-bird, half-reptile, and had tentacles used to grab people. They called it the “Snallygaster.”

If that wasn’t creepy enough, people reported seeing the Snallygaster is towns and cities all up and down the east coast. A bird with tentacles is a pretty freaky concept.

7.) The Flatwoods Monster.

The Flatwoods Monster was allegedly an encounter with some sort of extraterrestrial being near the town of Flatwoods, West Virginia. In 1952, several residents reported seeing a U.F.O. crash in the mountains near the town. They went out to investigate, and found a seven-foot-tall glowing creature.

Upon seeing the humans, this creature hissed shrilly and charged at them before veering off towards the wreckage. Those who came in contact with the creature and breathed in the fumes from the crash site became ill over the following days. There is still no official explanation of the incident.

8.) Black-Eyed Children.

These are demonic children between the ages of 6 and 16. They are identified by their completely black eyes and pale skin. In recent years, there were numerous sightings of these black eyed children panhandling or hitchhiking. There aren’t many stories of what happens if you stop and talk to them. They’re still pretty freaky, though.

9.) Shadow People.

As the name suggests, these are shadowy people believed to be evil, supernatural beings. No one knows exactly what their purpose is, or what they want from the people they allegedly follow. But shadow people do have a historical basis in historical legends and folklore.

10.) UVB-76.

UVB-76 is probably one of the creepiest urban legends on this list. It’s a shortwave radio station that constantly broadcasts short buzzing tones (about 25 tones a minute), 24 hours a day since the 1970s. Every so often, the buzzing is replaced by a voice in Russian. Aside from that, nothing else is known about the station except that it broadcasts from somewhere within Russia.

(Via: Buzzfeed)

These are pretty creepy. I think I’ll probably have some nightmares about that Flatwoods Monster tonight. What a freaky story.

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