The Things Humans Keep Spotting On Mars Aren’t As They Appear

Until we’re finally ready to send humans to Mars, (looking at you 2024), it seems we will have to be content with just looking at pictures sent back by rovers and satellites. Which leads to us sitting at our computers, looking at rocks on another planet, and searching for something familiar. It’s kind of sad when you think about it.

Occasionally though, people believe they actually find things on the surface of Mars that weren’t supposed to be there. Usually it’s just a trick of the light, but could some of these things be more than just piece of the Martian crust?

1. Here is a lizard that is actually a rock.

2. Here is a different looking lizard that is also just a rock.

3. This looks like the shinbone of some unknown species of creature. Nice idea, but definitely a rock.

4. There’s a theory that this is a picture of a giant bird-like creature that died thousands of years ago. Really it’s just a rock that has never actually been alive.

5. Here is the classic face on Mars. It is creepily realistic though.

6. Here is an insanely unrealistic rock face.

7. This is not a severed finger, it is a severed rock.

8. This rock is adorable, yes, but that does not make it a rodent.

9. Some people believe this looks like an elephant. I think it looks like a toucan. In actuality we’re both wrong, it’s a rocky canyon.

10. It’s kind of amazing how round this rock is, but it’s not an alien baseball. It is just a weird, spherical rock.

11. This looks almost exactly like President Barack Obama’s head, but no such monument has been commissioned on Mars (yet).

12. Many people speculated these were ruins of of an ancient Martian society, but NOPE! Just very symmetrical rocks.

13. Many UFO believers want very much for this to be an alien skull. However that would mean aliens are made of rocks. A plausible idea, but not likely.

14. The Civil War was not fought on Mars so there is no way that this is a Civil War era cannon.

15. This is not Big Foot. There has been no definitive proof that Big Foot exists on planet Earth, so he definitely wouldn’t be on Mars.

16. This looks like either a hood ornament or a robot finger, but alas it is still just a really fancy rock.

17. People insist that this is a coffin, but no human has ever died on Mars (or even lived on Mars) so this is most likely a rock.

18. This rock kinda looks like a traffic light, but as there are no roads on Mars I seriously doubt that’s what it is.

This is kind of a crazy thing to do, but is it any weirder than making constellations in the stars? Until we know for sure, space will always be a place to doodle our own hopes and fears onto.

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