The Only Thing Creepier Than These Abandoned Morgues Are The Stories Behind Them

There is no creepier place to be than an abandoned morgue. These places were specifically created for the dead. However, these morgues are dying themselves inside abandoned hospitals and funeral homes.

Sometimes, the creepiness is enhanced by the presence of equipment left behind by morticians. Abandoned bottles of chemicals, rusting bone saws collecting dust, rusty autopsy tables, and broken cadaver fridges give these morgues an eerie quality. Let’s take a look at some of the creepiest abandoned morgues from around the world.

1.) West Middlesex Hospital, England.

This currently abandoned and decaying ruin was once home to a bustling community hospital. Built in 1894, the facility operated continuously until the building wasn’t safe for use. A new facility was constructed next door to this one in 2003.

The abandoned hospital is slated for demolition, but until then, it ominously stands there. Inside, you can find a still fully stocked morgue, complete with bottles of embalming chemicals.

2.) Mortuarium Schoonselhof, Belgium.

This facility was demolished in 2007. Before then, it was used for autopsies. It also featured a 12-cadaver freezer and two operating tables. When the facility was abandoned, numerous tools (including bone saws) and embalming chemicals were left behind.

3.) Leidner Funeral Home, St. Louis, Missouri.

This former Victorian mansion was most recently a funeral home before being abandoned. This home is slowly being disassembled one piece at a time by brick thieves.

4.) Harold Wood Hospital Morgue, Essex, England.

The Harold Wood Hospital is now abandoned. However, before it was left to rot, it had one of the creepiest looking morgue fridges ever. You can see it today in the picture above. Prior to the hospital’s closure, the fridge had been in operation for 122 years.

5.) Beelitz-Heilstätten Morgue, Berlin, Germany.

This famous former tuberculosis sanatorium turned military hospital outside of Berlin actually treated Adolf Hitler during World War I. It was occupied by Soviet forces after World War II and today sits abandoned on the outskirts of the city. It’s one of the most beautiful abandoned hospitals in the world.

6.) Hudson River State Hospital, New York.

This former psychiatric hospital used to be one of the premier mental health facilities in the United States. Due to corruption and financial constraints, the facility turned into a well documented hell for its residents. It was finally closed down and abandoned in 2003. Today, you can visit it and explore some of its creepiness, especially the morgue section.

7.) Public Health Service Hospital, San Francisco.

This hospital closed down in 1981 and has been fully abandoned since 1988. If you’re willing to risk it, you can still visit the hospital. If you do, make sure to pay a visit to the morgue, which is unbelievably creepy and still fully stocked with abandoned machines and equipment.

8.) Canisters of the Dead at Oregon State Hospital.

For decades, thousands of nondescript copper canisters sat on a shelf in the basement of Oregon State Hospital. That was until photographer David Maisel got a chance to take a look at them. It turns out that each canister held the remains of a former psychiatric patient. Talk about a morbid discovery. Today, the canisters have been respectfully removed and placed in a memorial for the forgotten dead.

9.) Glenn Dale Hospital, Maryland.

This now abandoned hospital began its life a tuberculosis sanatorium. Today, it is abandoned and rotting on 260 acres in Maryland’s Price Georges County. The local legend is that the hospital was originally used to house the criminally insane. When the hospital closed, these criminals were released out onto the streets. It is said taht many of the criminals made their way back to the abandoned hospital to live out their lives because they had no place left to go.

10.) St. Peter’s Hospital Mortuary, Surrey, England.

The mortuary in St. Peter’s Hospital is one of the creepiest you’re ever likely to visit. The water stained floors and matching steel tables give it a certain creepy ambiance that’s hard to put into words. The hospital was originally built to serve the casualties of World War II before it was quickly overwhelmed by the influx of wounded. It still continued to operate until 2009.

11.) Military Hospital, Cambridge, England.

Since 1879, this now abandoned hospital treated causalities of all the major wars England was involved in since then. The hospital played a huge role in British military history until its closure in 1996. Today, it’s a big attraction for daring urban explorers. The morgue is especially popular, as it is rotting and overgrown with vegetation.

(source Weburbanist)

These really are the creepiest places of Earth. Let’s have a quick moment of silence for all the poor souls whose journeys ended in these now abandoned rooms.

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