Tag: celebrities
Being a celebrity can be a blessing and a curse. A successful career in Hollywood more often than not comes hand-in-hand with prying eyes and cameras flashing at all …
If you’re one of the lucky few in the world who can look back on their teen years without instantly cringing and turning red, congratulations. (I don’t like you.) …
Thanks to the handy un-tag button on most social media sites, we no longer have to worry about the unflattering photos of our past coming back to haunt us. …
Spotting a celebrity in the wild is something most people would love to do (even if they don’t admit it). And when a friend actually does see someone famous? …
Celebrities like to show off nice, shiny, and often Photoshopped images of themselves to the world. (And we love it.) We watch them every week, anxiously awaiting the role …
Watching a hero fall from grace, especially if they are one of your personal heroes, is a terrible experience. No matter how high we hold certain people in the …
It seems like marriages these days are getting shorter and shorter. It makes you lose hope in love, no matter how optimistic you were at one point. But, here …