Tag: animals
This tiny horse in England might be the smallest in the world, but what he lacks in size he more than makes up for in total adorableness. His name …
Simon from the Wildlife Aid Foundation never knows what to expect when he goes out on a rescue. That’s why he was so amused when he was called to …
This poor fox cub somehow became severely tangled in a soccer net. He was so badly entwined in the ropes, he almost strangled himself. Luckily, Simon from Wildlife Aid …
It often feels like everyone in the world is out to trick you. If you think you’re getting a good deal on something, chances are you getting swindled in …
Foxes known for getting stuck in all kinds of weird places, and the young fox in the video below is no different. He was exploring the space in the …
Animals are wild. You can’t predict what they are going to do, and that is what makes them dangerous. But when animals start acting like criminals, the law needs …
If you have a random encounter with an animal, you certainly want to capture it on camera. Unfortunately, you’re not always lucky enough to be able to snap photographic …
You might not think these animals look threatening. In fact, the little guys are huggable! They’re just little babies; what can they do? Look at how cuddly and cute …