Tag: animals
If there is one thing keeping us grounded in life, it’s gravity. You, dear reader, probably (hopefully) know by now that you cannot, in fact, fly. This is why …
Sometimes it’s hard to believe that we’re still making new discoveries generation after generation. Thinking back on how much has changed in the world over a single lifetime can …
Kyle “Epic” Mendoza earned his impressive moniker because of his incredible talent for parkour, freerunning, and tricking movement that contorts his body and tests the limits of gravity (check …
Deciding to bring a baby into the world is a huge, life-changing decision that should never be taken lightly. Usually, it also involves, how do we say this…a real …
The ability to make and understand art is often used as an example of what differentiates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. However, research shows that, when …
When you think about filling your home with a furry friend, your mind probably goes to cuddly cats and adorable dogs. But, there are plenty of wild animals that …
Watching our loved ones open presents on Christmas morning is almost more fun than opening our own. Seeing the looks on their faces when they unwrap that gift you …
The term “sick as a dog” doesn’t come from thin air. With the flu hitting us humans strong this winter, we know the struggle of being bed-ridden well. Cuddling …