Tag: animals
When looking at certain buildings, I often wonder “Someone went to school for this?” Some structures are unoriginal and often filled with errors. They will take your breath away…and …
Prisoners stuck in jail for years are often astonished by the world around them when they leave. Things have changed and people have moved on in the world. These …
Dogs are the best. If you leave them for even a short amount of time, they’ll beam with excitement as soon as they see you again. Watch how Bella …
A dog goes “Woof.” A cat goes “Meow.” Apparently, no one has any idea what the fox says. Then there is this little goat, who says, “What, what?” Dusty …
This is the story of Sheridan the dog. He is a beloved best friend and was diagnosed earlier this year with osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer. Sheridan’s owner, …
We’re used to seeing animals in cages when we go to the zoo, but this park in South America turns that formula around. Instead, the humans venture out into …
A hunter in New Zealand stumbled upon what may be the best example of animal hide and seek ever. Thankfully, he had his camera ready to capture the impressive …
Countless battles were waged in the war of cats versus dogs. Yet none were fought like those we’ve witnessed here. For although these cats may have won the day, …