Speed Eating Champion Kobayashi Takes On A Hamster In A Cute Competition.

Japanese competitive eater Takeru Kobayashi has destroyed heaping amounts of food over the years in numerous competitions. For example, he once ate 110 hot dogs in 10 minutes and smashed a world record when he ate 97 slider-sized hamburgers in 94 seconds. Now that’s impressive!

But we think he might have finally met his match. This tiny hamster challenged Kobayashi’s eating talents to a “hot dog” eating competition.

The video below shows the pair going head to head, starting of course with intense, hot-dog-eating-competition-worthy music and a couple tight shots of Kobayashi and the tiny hamster preparing for battle. Get ready for some intense action!

(Source: HelloDenizen)

To be fair to Kobayashi though, that hamster was clearly cheating by not swallowing.

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