Sometimes The Decisions Animals Make Just Don’t Follow Human Logic

Sometimes our animal friends don’t make a lot of sense. Then again, I’m sure that what we do doesn’t make any sense to them. No matter how hard we wish for it, it’s impossible to understand what’s really going on in their little heads. (Like when we spend hard-earned cash on a fluffy cat bed, yet without fail, the box it came in is much more appealing.)

We might as well laugh at their inexplicable decisions instead of trying to figure out their twisted logic.

1. Yeah, that just about makes sense.

2. “Well, I know the keyboard is off limits…”

“But she never said anything about the nice warm screen.”

3. “Rest is way more important than keeping my eating area sanitary.”


5. I’m glad one of you is comfortable.

6. So much for washing my hands, as this is clearly a perfect place for cat naps.

7. “You left this on the ground, so it’s mine now.”

“I have no idea what it is, but it’s mine.”

8. I mean, technically he’s not doing anything wrong.

9. This makes sense.

10. Clearly, this is how this cat bed was intended to be used.

11. “I know you don’t have food, but we’re going to stare at you forever like you do.”

12. “You just fed us dinner, but, uh, more please?”

13. “This is for feet?”

“Nope. This is definitely for sleep.”

14. He wanted to try the grass. He tried the grass. He didn’t like it.

*Goes back for more grass*

15. Cat: “Must always prove my superiority.”

Dog: “As long as you love me I am happy.”

16. All that barking at the birds outside really wore you out, huh?

17. “Must. Stay. Near. Human. Always.”

18. SO happy. Why so happy? No reason, just being a dog.

19. Cats: “This is mine. It’s all mine.”

Dogs: “Oohhhh kayyyyy…”

20. “We hug, but we’re really fighting. I actually hate this guy.”

21. Yep, you’re each on the correct bed…

22. Again, totally what we had intended when we bought you these beds…

23. Because rocks are SO comfy.

24. “What’s that you say? If I let you put these vegetables on my head you will give me a treat? I’m cool with that.”

25. “These are my toys, and I’m going to keep them here. You need to sit? There’s a whole lawn for that.”

26. “I am still a tiny puppy, what are you talking about?”

27. “Will I ever see you again???!”

Yes. In 20 minutes. But I’ll take the hug.

28. He JUST asked to go out.

Now he’s gazing longingly at us sitting on the couch.

(via Bored Panda)

Sure, I do some weird things. But I really just don’t understand what these little guys are thinking! Maybe someday I’ll learn exactly what kind of bed to buy my cat so that he’ll actually sleep in it, but until then, I’ll just keep laughing when I see him squeeze himself into the bathroom sink.

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