Only People With Best Friends Can Understand These 20 Epic Facts

If there’s one must-have in the world, it’s a BFF (which stands for “best-friend-forever,” for all you newbies out there). Through the thick and thin, what they bring to the table can’t be replaced. They sit through your breakups, binge watch Netflix with you, and drink with you on Valentine’s Day…

Basically, a BFF is the greatest person you’ll ever know.

1. You’ll finish each other’s sentences. …and sandwiches.

2. You’ll laugh together till it hurts (even if what you’re laughing at isn’t funny).


3. Your spouse will realize they’re not JUST married to you.

4. You form the two halves of a perfection equation.

5. They’ll be honest to a fault, especially when you need it the most.

6. They’ll be there when any other “friend” would conveniently ignore your texts.

7. Conversations can be had without a single word being said.

8. You don’t need to waste a second when asked who your BFF is… it’s just natural.

9. Seriously, they know WAY too much.

10. You both know the connection will never die.

11. They’ll tell you what they REALLY think of your new flame.

12. They won’t judge you when you’re at your worst.

13. They’re contractually obligated to help you [insert move, get a ride, pass a test, babysit your kid….]

14. If you go down, they’ll go down with you in a blaze of glory.

15. Your BFF will ensure you don’t embarrass yourself.

16. 1 + 1 actually equals 3 (in a relationship where someone has a BFF).

17. They’ll make themselves at home in your place. And you’ll love them for it.

18. They know when you’re lying and will call you on it.

19. They’ve always got your back.

20. Your unspoken love needs no words. It’s just…real.

(via Guff)

And if you don’t have a BFF yet…don’t worry. One day, it’ll happen.

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