One Day, You’ll Realize You Have No Single Guy Friends…And Here’s Why

When you’re single, you slowly start to notice your friends disappearing one by one into the pit known as marriage. You tell yourself that nothing will change. You’ll still hangout on weekends and go on spontaneous trips to Vegas. Sooner or later, you’re sitting at a bar with your remaining friends and it dawns on you.

“What in the world happened to Fred?”

Sadly, our friends have made the transition from single life to a married one. These are the things you have to look forward to once it’s your turn to play the game.

1. Being single means you care about how you look, to both yourself and potential mates. That goes out the window the second you say “I do.”

2. Your ability to flirt goes out the window.

3. Things like boundaries no longer exist. Together, you two are really just one person.

4. Style on Friday nights is a thing of the past. Shoot, going out on Friday nights is a thing of the past.

5. Your “urges” go away, greatly reducing potential topics of conversation with your best friends.

6. Things…change.

7. Romance becomes a thing you read about in novels.

8. Everything conspires against you.

9. Friends become a distant second in your life.

10. Your commute becomes one step away from a mini-van.

11. TV time can no longer be enjoyed with friends, sans spouse.

12. The real truth starts spewing out.

13. Evenings outs end a little differently.

14. Wardrobes become more functional.

15. You suddenly have to eat better. Your spouse fears you dying before them and will make you eat veggies all the time.

(via Guff)

I guess it’s not all bad. Still, this is a bit eye-opening and a bit much to take in all at once.

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