Do you have too much money? I think that’s a problem a lot of us wish we had. But what if you did? What would you spend it on? I know I’d start with the 15 expensive (but awesome) gadgets on this list.
Just wait until you get to number 11 before you tell me you wouldn’t do the same. This stuff is awesome.
2.) $104,744 – Aurumania Gold Bike.
There’s no way anyone would try to mug you if you rode this.
4.) $5,250 – STAX SR-009 Headphones.
I’m not sure any pair of headphones is worth this much money.
8.) $25,000 – Obscura CueLight Interactive Pool Table.
Add some gorgeous ambience your home pool table.
12.) $4,700,000 – 18-Carat Gold Speakers.
They’ll look good next to that gold bike you never ride.
14.) $17,000 – Unmanned Skier-Controlled Tow Boat.
Because when you’re rich, it’s still hard to find friends who can drive a boat.
15.) $7,944,000 – iPad 2 Gold History Edition.
Imagine taking this out in Starbucks? Everyone would flip.
(Via: Business Insider)
I’m not sure why, but I really want that golden bike. Time to go buy some lottery tickets (or hope I have a really rich uncle that’ll bequeath me some money).