Keep Your Distance, These 10 Animals Are The Deadliest Creatures On Planet Earth

The animal kingdom is a dangerous place, but there are certain creatures that are much more dangerous than the rest. These are the ones you have to watch out for, because a single sting or bite could be the last thing that ever happens to you.

Stay away from these 10 animals.

1.) Stonefish.

The stonefish is hands down the most venomous fish on the planet. That alone should make you fear them…that is if you can see them. Stonefish blend into their surroundings, and they’re lightning fast. It’s easy to step on one by mistake. Their venom could cost you a limb or quite possibly kill you.

2.) Cape Buffalo.

These buffalo might not look dangerous at first, but they are pretty aggressive. They’ve been known to charge at people for no reason at all. Just look at those horns. Imagine the damage they could do coming towards you at 40 MPH with 2,000 pounds of buffalo behind them. Not pretty at all.

3.) Blue Ringed Octopus.

This cute little octopus is the size of a gold ball, and contains enough venom to kill 26 fully grown adults. There is also no antidote to the blue ringed octopus’ venom. It’s a fast acting venom, too. Which means that it can fully paralyze a person and leave them unable to breath within minutes.

4.) The Brazilian Wandering Spider.

Welcome to your new nightmare. The Brazilian wandering spider is the Guinness Book of World Records holder for the most venomous spider in the world. Its bite results in hours of excruciating pain for the victim. A chemical in the spider’s venom also causes male victims to get painful, hours-long erections.

If all of that wasn’t bad enough, the wandering spider gets its name because it likes to wander. It’s commonly found all over the place, like inside people’s houses, inside cars…you name it.

5.) Driver Ants.

These little buggers love to swarm, which is bad news for anyone who comes across them. They behave as if they are a single entity, all 50 million of them. If you accidentally step on one in the forest, it’s like you’ve somehow equally enraged every single one of them. That’s when the swarm begins.

When they attack, the driver ants clamp onto your skin and don’t let go. Even if you manage to tear off their bodies, the heads will stay clamped on. They’re not especially deadly to humans if you have to sense to get away fast enough. However, driver ants regularly take down animals much larger than themselves.

6.) Puffer Fish.

Don’t let that cute face fool you. They’re actually quite deadly. When puffer fish are threatened, they puff out their spines. Each one of the spines contains enough venom to instantly paralyze you. You can also die from eating puffer fish if they are improperly prepared.

7.) Deathstalker Scorpion.

With a name like that, you better believe that this little guy is deadly. In fact, deathstalker scorpions are responsible for almost 3/4 of all deaths from scorpions every year. Most of their victims are children, because they are more susceptible to the bites than adults.

8.) Black Mamba.

If you don’t like snakes, then you should probably skip this one. The Black Mamba doesn’t mess around. Even though it doesn’t look scary, the black mamba is incredibly venomous. It also likes to strike without provocation, and it does so at lightning speed. Don’t think about trying to run away, because the black mamba likes to chase its victims if they run.

9.) Cone Snail.

This small snail looks more or less like any other sea snail. If you make that mistake, you’ll almost certainly end up dead. One drop of the cone snail’s venom can kill 20 human adults. There is also no cure, so if you’re stung, you should quickly make peace with your God.

10.) Box Jellyfish.

The box jellyfish is the deadliest animal on planet Earth. It might not look like much, but its venom is incredibly powerful. If you have the misfortune to be stung by one, it’s unlikely you’ll survive. Avoid these jellyfish at all costs.

(source Reddit)

If I needed another reason to stay inside forever, I think I just got 10 more. Luckily, most of these deadly creatures can’t get me in my apartment. I just never have to go outside again, is all.

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