It Must Be Hard To Study In These Libraries. You Know, Since They’re Haunted.

From the famous Slimer scene in Ghostbusters to Forbidden Section of dark magic in Harry Potter, in seems like evil and supernatural forces like to hang out around books. Could that their souls have anchored themselves to their favorite books? Who really knows. One thing is for sure these libraries have a very lively horror section. Even if they don’t mean to.

Peoria Public Library.

Since its creation, three of its library directors have died on the premises in unusual fashions. Librarians claim to hear whispery voices that call there names. Some have even claimed to see the faces of the former directors.

The Saline County Library.

Phantom footsteps and falling books are frequently encountered here. One director even heard the mechanical sounds of a typewriter (when the library got rid of their last one 30 years prior).

The Willard Library.

Indiana’s oldest public library is the home of the “grey lady” legend. Since 1937, there have been over 1,000 sightings of this mysterious floating woman. Sometimes she tosses books off the shelves or even strokes people’s hair.

Andrew Bayne Memorial Library.

In 1998, a 300-year-old tree on the premises died and had to be moved, which was against the wishes of one of the library’s founders, Amanda Bayne Balph. She made a declaration that no trees “shall be removed from the property”. Since then, paranormal activity has increased ten fold, with workers seeing computer screens acting up and a strange woman in Victorian clothing walking the halls.

Blanche Skiff Ross Memorial Library.

The students who use this library for homework claim to see a strange man in a smoking jacket looking longingly over the balcony. The story behind this apparition is unknown.

Parmly Billings Library.

One librarian here, Karen Stevens, who hunts ghost in her spare time, claims that there are several ghosts inhabiting the building. One distinctly wears work boots and jeans, which suggests a fairly recent haunting.

At least the phantoms terrorizing these libraries are well-read ghosts! That should give you a little bit of comfort maybe?

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