In Just A Few Short Years, These 13 Foods Might Be Extinct. It Would Be Awful.

Climate change is more real than most people would like to believe. Even if we take drastic steps to reduce carbon emissions, there could be mass plant and animal extinctions as the Earth’s weather becomes more volatile.

It’s difficult to think of climate change in such abstract terms, which might be one of the reasons why there is so much debate around it. To give you a sense of the possible devastation that climate change could wreak in your own life, here are 13 foods that could become endangered within the next 10 years.

1.) Chocolate. 

Everyone’s favorite sweet treat could soon be a thing of the past. Most of the world’s chocolate is grown in West Africa. More extreme temperatures in this region are making it difficult for farmers to grow their cocoa crops.

2.) Coffee.

Losing coffee and its lifesaving caffeine would spell disaster for nearly every office worker. Sadly, climate change has disrupted major coffee supplying areas.

3.) German Beer.

Germany takes its beer seriously, and has for many years. Due to an old law known as the Reinheitsgebot (German Beer Purity Law), German beer makers cannot use anything else besides water, malt, and hops to make their beer.

Water shortages in parts of Germany are making it difficult for brewers to get these ingredients, thus threatening the market on German beer.

4.) Honey.

North American honey bees are in decline because of climate change and pollution. This threatens the supply of honey worldwide.

5.) Tequila.

The blue agave plant, which tequila comes from, is having a rough couple of years because of climate change and disease. We may soon have to stop blaming tequila for our terrible drunk decisions.

6.) Italian Pasta.

Weather fluctuations in Italy already resulted in a significant reduction in the amount of durum flour grown. That’s the flour pasta comes from. More and more durum flour is imported every year as crop yields fall.

7.) Peanut Butter.

This could be the death of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich as we know it. Prices for peanut butter have skyrocketed after several brutal summers harming peanut crops around the world.

8.) Wine. 

What is life without a little wine? Wine growers are feeling the squeeze of climate change, as hotter weather diminishes the quality of grapes grown at famous vineyards around the world.

9.) Strawberries. 

Warmer temperatures also threaten delicious strawberries. These delicious berries thrive in colder northern areas, where climates warmed significantly over the last few decades.

10.) Apples.

Apples as a whole are not necessarily threatened, but our modern taste for them is. As the winters become more mild, frosts become fewer and farther between. If apples do not get a frost, they don’t become crisp. This means that you’ll be picking mushy apples off the trees. Yuck.

11.) Bacon.

We already lived through a bacon shortage, and it looks like there will be more to come as weather disrupts crops used for feeding pigs.

12.) Kentucky Bourbon.

Say it isn’t so! Sadly, it may come to pass that Kentucky bourbon is not longer a thing due to climate change messing with the fermentation process.

13.) Maple Syrup.

What would the world be if you couldn’t eat pancakes with maple syrup? We may find out as shorter, warmer winters devastate supplies.

Via: Piximus

A world without bacon, coffee, and maple syrup?! That’s too much to handle. Breakfast as we know it would be changed forever. I guess I’m going to have to start stockpiling coffee beans and bacon in my basement.

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