In Celebration Of The Wonderful And Fabulous Life Of Marty Mouse

Today, we celebrate one of our smaller animal celebrities who made a splash on social media far and wide. He constantly charmed us with his pint-sized adventures. Meet Marty Mouse. Actually, he’s a dumbo rat, so-called because of the breed’s large ears. However, since alliteration is fun, Mouse is his name.

Marty’s adventures, which include eating, traveling, eating, going shopping, and more eating, are documented with the help of his human, who goes by “Marty’s Mom” (or MM). Many of the adventures are written from Marty’s perspective, including an advice column called Ask Dr. Marty. We suspect MM might have helped with the typing, with keyboards being human-sized and all.

Marty tries his hand at pizza making.

Marty keeps detailed notes of his adventures for his audience’s benefit.

Typing up his manuscript, which will of course put him in the realms of the literary greats.

Adventures in grocery shopping. The cart is filled with yogurt drops, Marty’s favorite treat.

Everyone likes donuts, especially when granted on high from your personal human.

Trying new cuisine.

Getting into the Halloween spirit.

Keeping cozy.

Sadly, Marty passed away in November 2014. However, his life and tales live on his website, as well as his Facebook and Instagram pages. You will be missed, Marty.

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