If You Have Big Dreams In Life, Give Up On Them Now. Here’s Why You Should.

Let’s face it, achieving dreams these days is damn near impossible. …then again, following your dreams has always been difficult. So many people are trying to succeed in their respective fields that the odds of you making it in yours are so slim, it’s astounding.

So. What should you do? Should you work harder to perfect your craft? Should you persevere? I say, no way, José. Achieving your dreams is hard work and you really should contemplate giving up on those stupid dreams. Here is why…

1. You will fail.

On any road to success, there are countless failures. There are days where you will fall flat on your face and feel like an idiot. For many people, these failures are very public. You know what road leads to zero failures? The one where you give up and don’t even try. It’s low reward, sure, but it’s also low risk.

2. You will save money.

If you are any type of artist, it’s guaranteed that it will negatively affect your bank account. The artist mecca of the world is New York City. …It’s also one of the most expensive cities in the world. The cost of living is insanely high compared to the rest of the U.S.. Not only that, but what you’ll need to achieve your dreams is expensive, as well.

3. Office jobs are pretty dope.

The security blanket known as “the office job” is always at your fingertips. Anyone (including a trained monkey) can get one at some level. It is a very routinized, easy way to make money. You always know what to expect. It is the devil you know. And you know how the saying goes, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.”

4. It will be hard.

Achieving dreams is super hard. Who likes to do things that are hard? No one. You can live a fulfilling life without having to endure such hardship, people do it all the time. And you know what they have? A thing called happiness. That’s because they get to enjoy their life without the hardships that people achieving their dreams have to endure.

5. You can sleep in.

If you are really going to give up on ALL dreams, guess what? You get to sleep all the time. Motivated people get up early and stay up late to achieve their dreams. And you? You’ll be snoozing. (That’s what the majority of those dream achievers wish they were doing, anyway.)

6. You can relax.

Nothing stresses a person out more than worrying about achieving goals. When you give up on the notion of ever achieving your dream, you eradicate that stress you were feeling. After that, you can just relax and live a normal, low-stress life.

7. There is always someone better.

Despite what you may think, you will never be the best at whatever your dream is. Heck, even Peyton Manning is constantly compared to Tom Brady for who is a better QB (Brady is better by they way). There will always be someone better and someone you are compared to. You most likely will never be acknowledged for your brilliance until after you retire or after you are dead, and at that point, who cares? You’re dead, you can’t cash in on those accolade posthumously.

8. Your dreams will annoy other people.

This is especially true if you aren’t really that good at your dream job. If an entertainer does a mediocre job, they’ll anger the fans who has to sit through their set. They won’t appreciate what you are trying to do. They’ll just judge you.

9. You may end up hati your dream job.

Imagine you’ve worked super hard, you’ve given up everything, you’ve moved cities, you’ve sacrificed friends, you’ve sacrificed money, and you have finally achieved your dream. Then about a month in, after the honeymoon phase wears off you realize something. Your dream job sucks. …Then what?

It’s good to have goals and dreams, but just remember: if you fail, don’t take it too hard. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be or maybe you made some foolish decisions along the way. If you decide to give up, it could save you a lot of stress, money and heartache.

Plus, hey, everyone does it at some point.

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