Horses are so last century. If you’re a rider, it’s time to broaden your horizons and see what the rest of the world has to offer in terms of animal transportation. Although, some of these epic rides seem like they’d much rather eat you than let you ride them. (But hey, if you wanted to be boring, you’d drive a car like everyone else.)
It’s time to pimp your animal ride:
1.) Ostrich – Australia, South Africa
2.) Reindeer – Finland, Mongolia
4.) Camel – Egypt, Australia, China
6.) Dolphin – United States, Mexico, Australia, and many other countries.
7.) Elephant – Thailand, South Africa
8.) Giant Tortoise – Kenya
9.) Yak – China, Tibet, Mongolia, Pakistan
10.) Llama – United States, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina
11.) Giraffe – South Africa
12.) Water Buffalo – Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam
13.) Hippopotamus – South Africa, but nowhere safely
14.) Pig (FOR BABY MONKEYS ONLY) – Our Hearts
(via Distractify)
Remember, just because you can ride these animals doesn’t mean you should. If you encounter one of them in the wild, don’t assume you can climb on its back and go for a stroll. Even if you do come across a working animal, make sure that it is working under fair conditions before supporting animal cruelty and putting yourself in danger.
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