I Would NEVER Swim in the Ocean Again If This Happened to Me. So Terrifying!

Ryan Hunt, a semi-professional surfer in Australia, got a nasty surprise when he was bit by a shark during a recent surf trip. If this story isn’t enough to get you to swear off going in the ocean forever, I don’t know what will.

Warning. These photos are pretty graphic.

Hunt says he was catching a few small waves around dusk with friends when it happened. He was coming off a wave and was unlucky enough to accidentally step right onto the head of a small shark.

The shark immediately latched onto Hunt’s foot. Hunt tried to push it down and off his foot, but it still managed to bite him twice. Luckily, his friends were there to help him get back to the beach. Upon arrival, a bystander helped Hunt patch up his foot enough for him to get to the hospital.

Luckily, it was a just a minor bite, but it looks really nasty. Hunt Instagramed this photo of his wound from his hospital bed. That must have hurt like heck!

Despite his close call, Hunt says he’s undeterred. “I’ll definitely be surfing again as soon as I can,” he said.

Let’s just hope that shark isn’t out there waiting for him to finish the job. Yikes!

H/T: The Daily Mail

As if I needed another reason to be terrified of the ocean. I’m not sure I believe those people who say shark attacks don’t happen that often. I’m perfectly happy here on dry land.

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