Greetings From Baldwin Street In New Zealand, The Steepest Street In The World.

New Zealand isn’t just the country where they filmed the original Lord Of The Rings trilogy, it’s a land of extreme beauty and natural wonders. You can also find your fair share of not-so-natural wonders dotted across the country, too.

One of those man-made wonders is Baldwin Street. You can find it in the city of Dunedin, in southern New Zealand. A street may not initially seem like the most exciting thing in the world, but when you see it for yourself, you’ll realize how crazy it is. It’s the steepest street in the world.

This is what Baldwin Street looks like from a distance. The Guinness Book of World Records has even certified it. Yes, there are actually houses built along it.

They look like this. I’d like to meet the architect who designed that house, it’s pretty impressive.

Here’s the same house at another angle. The camera here is aligned with the street. That’s insanely steep.

With a tourist for scale.

The city even lets cars drive on Baldwin Street if you can believe it. That guy better have the parking brake on.

Baldwin Street is the way it is today because of a city planning error. When Dunedin was being built, the designers in London created a simple grid system on the map with no regard to the area’s topography.

The view from the top is pretty spectacular. Not sure if its worth the hike though.

Of course if walking up Baldwin Street isn’t your thing, you can always take the stairs. Or better yet, ride your unicycle.

Hopefully, no one dares to drive on this dangerous street at night.

If you think Baldwin Street looks easy to bike or walk up, I’ll just let these people tell you how hard it is.

Via: Atlas Obscura

It’s surprising that the city has never made an attempt to fix Baldwin Street. Going up or down this intensely steep street would be a major workout. At least the residents on this street never have to worry about flooding issues; all of the water would immediately drain away from their homes.

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