Find Out What Makes These Goats The Best (And Funniest) Breed Of Goat Out There

Have you ever been so scared you fainted? What about just startled, or shocked? If so, you’re not alone.

These little guys, usually called fainting goats, also known as myotonic goats, know that fainting spells are no fun. While it might look like they’re in pain when they faint, I can promise you that they are just fine…

They look just like any other goat.

But they’re so special…

These goats aren’t simply clumsy.

When fainting goats are startled or feel panic, their muscles tense up for give or take 10 seconds.

The characteristic is caused by myotonia congenita, a hereditary genetic disorder.

It doesn’t cause them any pain…

So it’s totally okay to laugh when their genes kick in.


Down for the count!

These little guys are so awesome that they have a whole festival dedicated to them every October in Tennessee.

I’d go to that festival, I don’t know about you.

Just LOOK at them go!

So close, yet so far.

This strangely hilarious and harmless disorder actually increases the breed’s muscle mass.

As a result, the strong build has become one of the distinctive traits of the myotonic goat, along with it’s prominently set eyes, and smaller size.

Ooof, just when you think the spell is over, it hits again.

I’ve got to catch my breath from laughing so much. Don’t mind me! I’ll be here for a while.

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