Don’t Waste Time Painting. Let Tiny, Genius Ants Make Beautiful Art For You.

Nowadays, the world of art is changing so fast, I can barely keep up with it. There are modern paintings that look like angry splashes of paint…then others that are technical, hyper-realistic masterpieces.

There are so many ways to create art, it’s no wonder that artist Brad Troemel and co. are trying to come up with new, awesome strategies. With this series, he let tiny geniuses create the artwork for him: these were all created by ants.

According to Troemel, the purpose is to view the long game of a collective effort. “Some people say ants build tunnels aimlessly, but those people haven’t watched ants for as long as I have.”

Brad is certainly right about that.

“The gel they’re tunneling through is edible and provides them with all necessary nutrients and water.”

“When tunneling, these workers complete each task from start to finish: biting into the gel, chewing and packing smaller bits into larger spheres, carrying gel chunks up to the surface, and storing refuse in designated piles.”

“Some gel is eaten along the way, but most is excavated and organized in the process of burrowing downward. Individual ants take turns completing each task alone to completion.”

That’s all well and good, but that sounds a bit more like science class than art…

Still, the results are astonishing.

(via Lost At E Minor)

You can check out Brad’s exhibit at the Tomorrow Gallery in NYC until November 9. I wonder if his tiny collaborators will be present for their big showcase.

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