Category: Life
When it came to introducing their newborn son to the world, Minnesota couple Chris and Aimee Knutson had a really different approach to it. They made this super sweet …
When a Colorado family’s water started going missing from the barrel they kept in their backyard, they had no idea where it could possibly be going. They weren’t using …
Some kids are just…well…weird…and that’s exactly what makes them AMAZING. The handful of kids below show off some of their weirdest, coolest and hilarious ways of thinking. Seriously, you’ll want to stand up …
Recently in Alblemarle County, Virginia, a call came into Animal Control about a small abandoned cage with a female cat and her 13 kittens. But because the department receives …
A group of conservationists working for the African Wildlife Conservation Fund came across a scene that surprised – and then shocked – them. A pregnant brown hyena was found …
Scientists have discovered a new (and totally adorable!) species in the deserts of northwest Namibia: the round-eared sengi, A.K.A round-eared elephant shrew. An international team of experts led by John …
The New World Mall located in Bangkok, Thailand has been abandoned since 1997. It was forced to close because of building violations. Then in 1999 a fire destroyed the …
You’re going to die someday. Sorry if that sounded like a threat, but it’s really just a fact. One day, it will all come to an end. If you’re …