Category: Creativity
Selfies. We’ve all seen them and, for better or for worse, we’ve all taken them. Regardless of how you feel about them, there’s no doubting that they’re here to …
Crosswalks have been stepping up their game since The Beatles took their iconic steps across Abbey Road all those years ago. Across the world, creative cities are adding a dollop of whimsy and …
Hooking a GoPro camera to a quadcopter “drone” is all the rage in aerial filmography these days, and this video shows you why. GoPro gives some amazing new perspectives of …
You’ve probably never heard of a Mandala before, let alone a Sand Mandala. A Mandala is a spiritual and ritual symbol in both the Hindu and Buddhist religions. It is …
It’s trendy these days for artists to repurpose pieces of garbage and turn them into masterpieces. What’s not so common is to do the opposite. That is, make art that …
Denver, Colorado: “The Mile-High City,” “Queen City of the Plains,” “Cool String Thingy.” Okay, that third one doesn’t have much traction yet, but wait until everyone sees the work …
As you get older, you’ll realize that the very same world you share with millions of others looks different to every single person. Some people may see it as …
We don’t know why, but Legos were one of the best toys ever growing up. Maybe that’s why seeing them used for all kinds of crazy things when you get …