Broken Bones Get A Little Less Terrible Thanks To Decorated Casts

A broken bone is no fun at all. There’s the pain of the initial injury, followed by the long healing process under an itchy cast. In an attempt to make the best out of a bad situation, some people decide to have a little fun with their casts. We applaud them for seeing the bright side.

If there’s one good thing about a cast (besides the fact that it helps your bones knit), it’s that it’s pretty much a blank canvas. You can do almost anything you want with your cast. Some hospitals will offer decorative options for casts (especially for kids), and some people prefer to do it themselves.

You can support your nation.

If your broken bone has you feeling less powerful, try channeling a favorite superhero…

…even if you’re still small.

In case anyone wonders what’s happening under the cast, this one provides a handy (ha!) illustration.

Your cast can be an homage to pop culture…

…or fine art.

This cast blends anatomical studies with an artsy twist.

A few accessories make his cast into a steampunk costume piece.

Even animals are getting into this.

Dogs don’t always appreciate art, so this colorful cast also comes with a cone of shame.

(via Newsiosity)

If you have a cast and you’re thinking gauze- or bandage-white doesn’t go with your personality, grab some markers, (non-toxic) paints, or even some stickers and go to town. If this is for a pet or small child, make sure that none of the materials are potentially harmful. Here’s to a speedy recovery!

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