Bad Guys Won’t Stand A Chance Against The Newest, Tiniest Cop On This Police Force

There is a county in Utah that has, quite possibly, one of the happiest police stations in the country. It’s not because Woods Cross officers have it easier than any other county, and the detectives are still called to disturbing crime scenes that are sure to put anyone in a low mood. So what’s their secret? It’s an 11-week-old terrier puppy who’s been given the honorary title of “Officer Spot.”

This fine fellow’s full name is Spoticus, but you can call him Spot. Officer spot, that is.

His role as a K9 unit has nothing to do with apprehending bad guys. Instead, it’s all about brightening the days of the men and women on the force.

The vest? Unnecessary, yet adorable.

Spot technically belongs to staffer Stephanie Gonzales, but has become such a crucial part of the Woods Cross Police Department it’s like he has a second home. Each day he comes into work with a peppy attitude and a wagging tail, knowing that he’s really making a positive impact on office morale.

Aw, being an adorable therapy dog is hard work. We’ll let the nap slide this time, as long as you get that paper work in by the end of the day!

(source The Dodo)

Keep up the good work, Officer Spoticus, your enthusiasm is certainly noticed by your grateful coworkers! You’re also a shining example of how helpful a therapy dog can be in stressful environments like this. Here’s to hoping you’re just the first of many more Officer Pups to come.

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