You will always find art in the strangest places, and this abandoned Victorian hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, is definitely a unique location for an installation. Thanks to artists Kenny Scharf, Saner, Arne Quinze, and Joana Vasconcelos, the estate was transformed from a boring waste of space to an art piece you can physically enter. While the artists have their own unique styles, there seems to be one constant theme in what’s known as the Cidade Matarazzo: the pieces all feature deep, mind-bending visuals.
Cidade Matarazzo – Sao Paulo, Brazil
You can tell that these artists were going to have a field day with this place.
It’s like a canvas you can walk around.
An installation by Arne Quinze.
Room painted by Charley Case.
Installation by Joana Vasconcelos.
Pieces by Nazirah Mestaoui and Huni Kuin.
Kenny Scharf’s contribution to the estate.
Saner’s mural in the courtyard.
I wish I could live here. Imagine waking up every morning in one of the coolest art projects you’ve ever seen. You wouldn’t even need coffee to get yourself out of bed.
If you’re interested in seeing more work from these artists, check out their websites: