A Two-Legged Chihuahua Gets A New Set Of Wheels, Rolls Into Hearts Everywhere

TurboRoo, a teacup chihuahua, was born without his front legs, but was otherwise completely healthy. He was surrendered by his breeder, and luckily found a home with Ashley Looper, a veterinary technician. To help TurboRoo walk, Looper fashioned him a little cart for his front part using spare toy parts.

TurboRoo was born without front legs, so he’s pretty good at balancing on his back legs. It’s not an efficient way to get around, though.

An early prototype designed by Looper from old toy parts. This was obviously not a permanent solution.

Another one of the early rigs. Look how teeny he is!

The cart didn’t keep up with the growing TurboRoo, so Looper started an online campaign to raise money for something more permanent to accommodate her puppy’s growth. She received many donations, as well as a message from Mark Dewrick, president of 3dyn, a San Diego-based design firm. Dewrick offered to design TurboRoo’s cart free of charge. The cart’s support was created using 3D printing technology. Once completed, the cart was attached to skateboard wheels so TurboRoo can roll around with ease.

TurboRoo’s printed solution! He also looks dapper in his black shirt.

Mark Dewrick and TurboRoo.

You go, TurboRoo!

Watch out for those sidewalk grates!

And roll around he does. TurboRoo is energetic and happy, and Looper regularly posts pictures of him to her site and Facebook page. The cart is adjustable and is constantly being altered to grow as TurboRoo, not yet six months old, grows as well. When he gets to be six months and full size, Looper hopes to fit him with a permanent wheelchair, but there’s no word yet whether that will be 3D printed.

Besides giving TurboRoo a new lease on mobility, the concept of 3D printing for medical devices is an important one. The technology could potentially make mobility aids, prosthetics, and other prescription items more accessible and customizable. This newer technology will help people around the world and give them a new lease on life.

Via My Modern Met

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