Parenting is a tough job–there’s no question about that. No one will judge you if you’re tired and cranky after chasing kids around all day, but parents will also tell you that it’s all completely rewarding. And it’s even more rewarding if you can have some fun along the way.
That’s what these parents did. Not only did they create some awesome memories for their families, but they had fun doing it. Here’s a roundup of some of the coolest parents out there.
1.) The Pancake Master
Dad and teacher Nathan Shields creates elaborate, edible illustrations for his children using pancake batter and a squeeze bottle.
3.) The AT-AT Walker Designers
Not content with the average snowman, this family decided to work a lesson about classic film into a snow day.
4.) The Entertainment
Sporting events require a long attention span, so this dad knows that dance breaks are a necessity. Watch the whole video for more awesome dad dancing.
5.) The Proud Parents
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These parents are awesome because they’re proud of their children, whoever they are.
6.) The Mad Scientist
They said it couldn’t be done, but this dad found a way to entertain his twins (and make a Calvin & Hobbes reference)
8.) The Positive Enforcers
Not only does this allow Cassidy here a way out of being grounded, but it gets some chores done.
9.) The Cardboard Architects
These parents used cardboard, some tape and a lot of patience to create this maze for their little Minotaur(s).
10.) The Costume Designers
These parents understand that even Iron Man needs to feel pretty sometimes.
11.) The Other Costume Designer
Cassie McLelland wanted to make sure her son, Caleb, was able to celebrate Halloween, and so began the tradition of designing and building awesome costumes that incorporate his wheelchair.
13.) The Plating Expert
Mom Samantha Lee began creating food scenery to encourage her daughter to eat, and her work has since gained her significant recognition.
15.) The Directors
Lilly and Leon Mackie stage scenes from famous movies and TV shows using cardboard boxes and other everyday items, including their baby, Orson. This one is called “Breaking Dad.”
16.) The Graphic Artist
David Laferriere is a designer and illustrator who took to creating these scenes on his kids’ lunch bags. You can see the whole collection on his Flickr account.
We know there are a lot more awesome parents out there. This is just a small sampling! Keep up the awesome work, parents.