If You Ever Send Your Kid To Summer Camp, Hopefully You’ll Get A Letter This Funny.

Going away to camp for the summer is a dream come true for many children. It’s an opportunity to be completely independent from parents, to make new friends and to experience the world. Other children, though, might not think it’s so charming. One Redditor’s brother had to go away to camp. A little while after he left, his family received the following letter from Josh. Apparently, he wasn’t enjoying camp as much as they thought.

This kid is going to make it big one day. He has a way with words.

(H/T Reddit) The boy begrudgingly wrote the letter home so he could eat (although, at this point it’s possible he was just being dramatic). You have to respect that, though. This is a little man that thinks outside the box and refuses to conform to societal norms just because someone said so. This kid has a bright future (thankfully, complete with camp lunches). Share his awesome response with others by clicking below.

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