20 Genius College Hacks They Won’t Teach You At Orientation.

The transition from high school to college can be downright scary. For most of us, it’s our first time really being away from that comfortable bubble we call home. Trust me, even if you’re going to a school close to home, dorm life can make you miss your mom and dad even before the first week is up. And it gets even worse when laundry time comes around. 

But don’t worry, some of those who came before you have kindly shared their skills to making college life a little easier. Take a look before hitting the books.

1.) Use a pen to keep your textbook open.

2.) Or to keep your chips fresh.

3.) Get organized with an old toilet paper roll.

4.) Make your lockscreen your class schedule for the first few weeks.

5.) Use a color code on your notebooks to easily grab the right one.

6.) Save your legs from laptop burn with egg cartons.

7.) Amplify your iPad with a solo cup.

8.) While you’re at it, don’t waste money on a fancy iHome.

9.) Hang your paper towels on a clothes hanger.

10.) Save time and space by stacking your clothes vertically in drawers.

11.) Dryer sheets on the back of a box fan: instant air freshener.

12.) Pizza box tops make great dust pans.

13.) Hang photos and mementos using washi tape.

14.) Make a mug-full of scrambled eggs in your microwave.

15.) And cook it in a coffee pot.

16.) Or heat up some queso for a fiesta.

17.) Use a Pringle can as a pasta holder.

18.) Turn your chip bag into its own bowl.

19.) Make your 12-pack mini-fridge sized.

20.) Clean your gunky keyboard with a post-it note.

(via Mashable.)

Now all you have to worry about is your GPA. 

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