This Is What Technically Happens When A Jellyfish Stings You. Yikes.

If you’ve ever been stung by a jellyfish or seen the look on someone’s face after they’ve gotten to close to the free-floating sea creatures, you’re well aware of how much it hurts. It’s not very hard to figure out. Something that’s quite a bit more difficult to understand is how the gelatinous beings can be the sources of such pain. Some people think that there is some kind of electricity (or some dark magic, maybe) involved.

Well, as it turns out, getting stung by a jellyfish involves being pricked by tiny, venomous organelles called nemacysts. If those words alone aren’t enough to make the hair on your neck stand up, seeing them in action likely will be.

Take a look at this microscopic footage of a jellyfish sting that was shot with a high-speed camera. It’s actually pretty cool to see, as long as you don’t have any plans to go to the beach in the near future.

(via It’s Okay To Be Smart, H/T io9)

If you thought that was bad, imagine getting stung by one of these jellyfish.

The 5 Deadliest Jellyfish in the World

5. Sea Nettle (Chrysaora)

4. Lion’s Mane Jellyfish (Cyanea capillata)

3. Portuguese Man o’ War (Physalia physalis)

2. Irukandji Jellyfish (Carukia barnesi)

1. Box Jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri)

(via Planet Deadly)

Hm, I think I’ll stick to the pool for the rest of the summer. Actually, I might as well play it safe and avoid water altogether. Does rubbing hand sanitizer all over your body count as a shower?

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