A Lowlife Stole This Woman’s Dog And Abused Her, But She Found Her Way Home.

Imagine having your dog, your favorite companion, stolen right from your front door. It’s horrible, but life moves on. Except now imagine that you’re the dog, and the new “owner” is abusive, mean, and a terrible human being that beats you day in and day out. 

Welcome to this dog’s true story.

Meet Fatcat, the bulldog.

Stolen in 2006, she has since lived a life where she was forced to become a “breeding machine” and suffered years of neglect and abuse. During that time, her original owner resigned to never seeing Fatcat again, and moved from Tennessee to Arizona. Several weeks ago, she learned that Fatcat had shown up in a shelter in Memphis. She immediately wanted to go back and get her long lost pup, but soon found that Fatcat suffered terrible health issues stemming from her treatment and may not make it.

Making matters worse, she couldn’t drive to Tennessee. The shelter staff considered putting her to sleep considering her terribly painful health problems and lack of transportation to Arizona, but finally a staff member decided to drive her there herself.

Since then her original owner has raised over $7000 dollars through a GoFundMe campaign to pay for her medical bills.


(H/T: HuffingtonPost)

Considering how fortunate both are to be reunited finally earlier this month, it really makes you believe that maybe there is some good fortune in the world. Fatcat is back with his real owner, and hopefully will be well taken care of for the rest of his life.

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