You’ll Never Believe What These People Have As Pets. Some Are Just Bizarre.

For many people, having a pet is an essential part of life. An animal companion can bring so much more to your day. Most people with pets have fish, dogs, or cats. But, you don’t have to walk that already well-beaten path if you don’t want to. There are so many other kinds of animal you can have as pets (even though some of these don’t look legal):

1.) Salvadore Dali and his pet anteaters.

2.) Elvis and his pet kangaroo.

3.) Reese Witherspoon has a pet donkey.

4.) Ivan the Terrible had pet bears.

5.) First Lady Coolidge and her pet raccoon.

6.) Anton LaVey and his pet lion.

7.) The Kardashians and their pet chimp.

8.) Vanilla Ice and his pet wallaroo

9.) Michael Jackson and his pet chimp.

10.) Tori Spelling and her pet chicken.

11.) Tycho Brahe had a pet moose.

12.) Josephine Baker and her pet cheetah.

13.) Audrey Hepburn and her pet fawn.

14.) George Clooney and his pet pig.

15.) Nicolas Cage has a pet octopus. (Of course he does)

… okay, I’m not sure how any of those are actually legal. At least these creatures are probably getting spoiled instead of living a short and dangerous life in the wild. After all, Michael Jackson’s chimp got to drink tea.

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