These Inventors Need To Go Home And Hang Their Heads In Shame.

Inventions are all the rage these days. A glance at Kickstarter’s home page will show you many inventions looking for “investors,” with more added by the minute. People come up with great ideas (or at least ideas they think are great) and suddenly… BOOM! Their ideas are validated.

Unfortunately, not all inventors make worthwhile products. Instead, they make some of the worst stuff on Earth. Seriously, who thought of these?

1.) Who thought this was a good idea? Ugh…

2.) Every. Time.

3.) Dear person who invented reply all: I hate you.

4.) Mom, this is why we can’t have nice things.

5.) Plastic wrap, my one true enemy.

6.) Because you always reach for these when you’re dying of thirst.

7.) Oh please.

8.) What’s with these chip companies?

9.) These. Are. Terrible.

10.) Sigh…

11.) Phone mount inventor, you should be facing a lawsuit right about… NOW.

12.) Excuse me while I go throw up.

13.) OMGOMG, why!

14.) How is this a good idea?

15.) Umm, what?!

16.) Seriously, stop it!

17.) How is a cone a good idea for a cup?

18.) Stop trying to be creative. You’re not good at it.

19.) Deep frying butter. Not a great idea.

20.) Because crick-ettes without the flavor wasn’t a bad idea already.

21.) Getting stuck in group texts is the bane of my existence.

22.) You need to go sit in the corner, Mr. Inventor.

23.) Chad Scott, you’re the worst.

24.) Pumpkin spice. Really?

(via Izismile)

There must be a chip “guru” somewhere that all chip companies consult for new flavors. Otherwise, how could they be so consistently awful? White Chocolate Peppermint Pringles? Really!?

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