These Animals Can Build Structures Better Than Most Modern Architects.

When looking at certain buildings, I often wonder “Someone went to school for this?” Some structures are unoriginal and often filled with errors. They will take your breath away…and not in a good way.

That’s why we should leave it to Mother Nature to show us how it’s done. These 10 animals from the wild seem to know more about creating some of the most amazing structures than the so-called “professionals.” I almost want to ask where they went to school.

1.) Swallows

Some swallows don’t build nests, but others create theirs from their saliva, which is edible and considered a delicacy.

2.) The Red Ovenbird

These structures are created from mud and clay, and are often used by other birds long after their creators abandon them.

3.) The Montezuma Oropendola

The males will instruct a harem of about 30 females to create homes from small vines and grass.

4.) Wasps

Most wasps avoid creating nests, but social wasps make theirs from plant pulp, spit, resin, and other materials in a particular layering fashion.

5.) Honeybees

It is in these nests constructed out of secreted wax where they process food and raise their young.

6.) Baya Weavers

Often found in colonies, these are typically seen hanging above bodies of water where predators will have a hard time getting to their young.

7.) Caddisfly

When cocooning, this creature spins a tough protective layer out of pebbles, sand, and shells. It weaves these elements together with strands of its own silk to safely grow to adulthood.

8.) The Compass Termite

These termites formed a North-South skyward home to thermoregulate their heat.

9.) The Male Vogelkop Bowerbird

These designer-wannabe birds arrange berries, beetles, flowers, and other colorful/eye-catching ornaments into artistic arrangements to attract mates. The females don’t use them to raise their young after mating.

10.) The Sociable Weaver

Found in South Africa, this bird weaves huge communal nests that can host hundreds of birds across multiple generations. These permanent structures woven from sticks and grass contain many inner chambers, allowing the birds to stay warm at night.

I think it’s time we take a cue from nature and get back to basics after seeing these amazing structures. There’s a lot to learn here, after all, since Mother Nature’s worked at this a lot longer than your former college roommate.

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