These Bizarre Animal Facts Are Hilarious, And The Videos Will Make Your Day.

What is more fun than fun facts? (Probably nothing.) People, myself included, absolutely love learning little known things about space, history, and especially about animals. One animator took these fun facts a step further.

Sahar Lichtman, and animator and comedian based in the New York area, has created a web series devoted to educating and entertaining the public with bizarre animal facts. To make the facts even more interesting, though, he decided to make animated videos to go along with the facts:

Just in case you need to see the real deal.

Hey, you can’t blame a Polar Bear for being hungry!

Just in case you needed to see a parrot freaking out.

What is great about this web series is that it is entertaining and hilarious! Maybe it will revolutionize how we educate children about wildlife.

Another interesting aspect of the series is that you can vote or submit which animal you would like to see next by following this link. It is not only a funny series, but an interactive one as well. So check it out, vote, submit animals and you’ll get to learn more about your favorite animals!

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