This Artist Takes Doodling To New Heights With His Extremely Detailed Sketches

Let’s be honest about something: humans doodle. You probably doodle all the time, or at least more than you’d like to admit. Time at work, school and even lunch is sometimes filled by absentmindedly drawing on paper.

Doodling is always a great way to pass the time. Maybe you were the kid in school who had the best doodles. Even if you only knew the kid who had the best doodles, it was still fun to draw little pictures and let your mind wander. But did you ever think that doodles could get this good?

Artist Kerby Rosanes shows how much can be done with just a pen and paper in these amazing sketches. In his “doodles,” Rosanes demonstrates his eye for detail and seriously gifted hand for sketch art.

These sketches by Kerby Rosanes are absolutely incredible. The amount of detail in each doodle is mesmerizing.

Most of these sketches aren’t drawn to be realistic, but are rather abstract or surreal.

I never thought I’d see an octopus depicted so beautifully.

This one is chock full of amazing detail. So awesome.

Here’s a beautiful sketch of a centaur with a bow and arrow. If you looked closely, you can see the shapes of foxes within the curling flames behind the centaur.

This doodle is a commentary on the ways in which industrialization affects the natural environment.

These sketches can be very fanciful, too. Here’s one of a young girl carried by a stork.

This is an amazing sketch, and one that seems to somehow incorporate different parts of the entire world in its minute details.

This is another sketch making a sobering statement on how humans are affecting the environment.


I would hesitate to call these “doodles,” but they are some of the most awesome doodles I’ve seen. Now, I really have to step up my game and get back on my doodle grind.

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